Stranger Anxiety


Here is the stranger anxiety psychology definition: the distress and apprehension experienced by young children when they are around individuals who are unfamiliar to them. Therefore, stranger anxiety is a normal part of cognitive development: Babies differentiate caregivers from other people and display a strong preference for familiar faces. Stranger anxiety usually begins around 8 or 9 months of age and typically lasts into the 2nd year.

An early onset of stranger anxiety example is can begin in some infants and young children when they show a strong preference for one parent over another at a given age, and grandparents may suddenly be viewed as strangers. Anticipating these occurrences during well-child visits helps prevent misinterpretation of the behavior. Although, comforting the child and avoiding overreaction to the behavior are usually the only therapy needed.

While most children experience less stranger anxiety as time goes on, other children may continue to experience fear around strangers or in public settings. Consequently, these children may be showing signs of social anxiety disorder, which is a condition that involves excessive fear and discomfort in social situations.

Children with social anxiety disorder often worry about being judged or embarrassed while around other people, and either avoid social situations or endure them with intense anxiety. Therefore, this condition can lead to refusal to attend school or participate in activities with other children.

Overall, at what age does stranger anxiety start? Usually it begins around 8 or 9 months of age and typically lasts into the 2nd or 3rd year.

Children can also experience stranger anxiety when around people that they know but do not see often, like grandparents and other relatives. Interestingly, babies tend to show stronger fear reactions to adults rather than other babies or children, so you may notice that your child is unaffected when around kids their own age.

It can be linked to a history of abuse, bullying, or teasing. Shy kids are also more likely to become socially anxious adults, as are children with overbearing or controlling parents. Hence, if you develop a health condition that draws attention to your appearance or voice, that could trigger social anxiety, too. Here are a few other ways to approach getting over stranger anxiety:

At length, stranger phobia can start to show up in infants at an early age. Being patient with your child during stranger anxiety is the key. I was extremely shy when I was growing up, so I imagine I had stranger anxiety. It took me years to outgrow that shyness. I still suffer from social anxiety, but I’m continuously challenging that. At the present time, I have noticed a change in myself from being afraid of everybody to now, I can spend time in a store and not get panicky.

Well, I hope you gathered all the info you needed from this post and will put it to good use. I know that I find interesting facts while researching for the posts and have put some of them to good use. Until next timeโ€ฆ,their%20confidence%20in%20social%20situations.

Types Of Social Anxiety Disorders(Opens in a new browser tab)

Different Types Of Anxiety(Opens in a new browser tab)

-Van Hulle CA, et al. (2017) Infant stranger fear trajectories predict anxious behaviors and diurnal cortisol rhythm during childhood. doi:

-Anxiety and Depression Association of America.ย Tips to manage anxiety and stress.

-Johns Hopkins Medicine.ย Phobias.



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Iโ€™m Cindee, the creator and author behind this blog. I have been dealing with anxiety, depression and bipolar mental health issues for over several decades.โ€‚I thought I would share all my knowledge on those topics and so much more.โ€‚Please know that you are not alone even though sometimes it seems like nobody gets you! I do!


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