Ear Seeds For Anxiety


Ear seeding for anxiety, which is sometimes called auricular acupressure, is a noninvasive technique that stimulates pressure points on the ear. The goal is to target specific pressure points to help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall health.

While ear seeding is similar to auricular acupuncture, it does not involve the use of needles. Instead, tiny seeds are placed on acupressure points on your ear to stimulate nerve pathways to your brain and prompt your bodyโ€™s natural healing mechanisms to kick in.

Although ear seeding may seem like a new technique to address anything from insomnia to obesity, it has actually been around for many years. Some of the earliest mentions of ear seeding date back to 221 B.C. in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Ear seeding for anxiety is a form of acupressure where the external surface of your earโ€”or auricleโ€”is stimulated to alleviate pain or promote healing in different parts of your body. Traditionally, seeds from the Vaccaria plant are taped onto specific acupuncture points on the ear.

Sometimes, people use “seeds” in a variety of different materials, such as stainless steel, gold, silver, or even magnets in some cases, Tom Ingegno, DACM, MSOM, LAC, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and owner of Charm City Integrative Health, told Health.

As a matter of fact, ear seeding is based on the belief that your entire body and its systems (nervous, reproductive, digestive, etc.) is represented in your ear. In fact, experts note that the ear looks like an upside-down fetus, with the head represented by the earlobe and the body and internal organs falling along the ridges of your ear. Basically, this approach is called a “microsystem,” in which your entire body can be mapped onto a smaller body part, said Ingegno. Other microsystems include the scalp, hands, feet, and abdomen.

While there is limited research on the use of ear seeds to manage symptoms of anxiety, many people report feeling more at ease when using this complementary therapy. In fact, one study found that people who wore mustard seeds for anxiety and jaw pain, saw a significant reduction in symptoms in both conditions.10

Meanwhile, a 2018 study examining the use of auriculotherapy on anxiety during labor and delivery also showed promising results. During a triple-blind study, the researchers discovered that the use of ear acupressure significantly reduced anxiety during laborโ€”so much so that they recommend it as a treatment option for pregnant people nearing delivery.

According to the Public Health Acupuncture of New Mexico, to treat anxiety or stress with ear seeds, a person needs to place them on three points:

Shen Men: The Shen Men pressure point is roughly in the center top portion of the ear, a short way down from the top of the ear.

Insomnia point: Altogether, this point is almost parallel with the opening to the ear, just on the inside of the outer ridge of the ear structure.

Point zero: Lying almost exactly in the center of the ear, it is on the end of the cartilage ridge that runs from the center of the ear and around the outside of the structure.

Seed placement can vary according to the product a person uses. Therefore, many ear seeds feature self-adhesive backing, so a person only needs to place the seed using tweezers. Others, such as natural seeds, may require medical tape to secure them in place.

Hence, once in place, a person can apply gentle pressure to the seeds to stimulate the pressure points, reportedly reducing anxiety.

As with all therapies, it really depends upon each individual. In most cases, ear seeds for anxiety work immediately, especially if the symptoms are mild. However, certain symptoms may take a few weeks to subside, or require complementary therapies to support the healing process. A good acupuncturist will always listen to your body and use auriculotherapy alongside a combination of treatments to transform the way you feel both physically and emotionally. Therefore, ear seeds are not a quick fix.

While they can’t cure chronic pain or other conditions, ear seeds may be a helpful addition to your medical treatment. There aren’t many studies of auriculotherapy. But it might help with:

  • Firstly, substance abuse
  • Pain, numbness, and tingling from chemotherapy
  • Lower back pain
  • Fourthly, insomnia
  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Lastly, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety feels like a never ending hallway!

While ear seeding is a relatively safe practice, just like with any alternative therapy or treatment, there are a few minor risks. For instance, if you have sensitive skin or allergies, you could react to the seeds, the tape, or the metals used in ear seeding. Be sure to check the materials used if you have any known allergies.

There’s also the risk of skin irritation if you leave the seeds on for longer than recommended, or if you touch them or manipulate them a lot. There have even been reports of mild dizziness, pain, and nausea. However, some acupuncturists may actually instruct you to press on the seeds to press on the pressure points more.

There is even a slight risk that a seed could come loose and become lodged in your ear canal. In fact, one case report indicates that an ear seed fell into a person’s ear and passed through an existing hole in their eardrum. During a routine MRI, the metallic bead was discovered and had to be surgically removed.

They don’t have any known serious side effects. But you might have minor symptoms after you use ear seeds. They include:

  • Firstly, discomfort or skin irritation around the seeds
  • Minor bleeding
  • Dizziness
  • Infection
  • Lastly, sleepiness

Ear seeding for anxiety is relatively inexpensive, whether done as an extension of an acupuncture session or purchased as part of a do-it-yourself (DIY) set at home. In fact, most acupuncture clinics can do this service for a small fee, or it may be included in the acupuncture treatment cost, said Ingegno. It’s important to note that finding the right point locations on your own can be difficult, as everyone’s ear is different. Therefore, having a professional do this for you may be more effective.

At-home kits ear seeding kits can run anywhere from $20 to $50, depending on how many seeds are contained in the kit. But some more high-end ear seeds may even include Swarovski crystals, which will increase the price.

Ear seeds provide a newer form of auriculotherapy, a type of acupressure that focuses on the ear. Proponents claim that using the seeds in certain spots can stimulate the pressure points to help reduce anxiety and stress.

While this may work for some, clinical evidence is lacking and generally of lower quality. A person who wishes to try ear seeds to treat their anxiety should consult an acupuncturist first. Hence, this is to learn the exact positions to place the seeds for anxiety relief.




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โ— About Me

Iโ€™m Cindee, the creator and author behind this blog. I have been dealing with anxiety, depression and bipolar mental health issues for over several decades.โ€‚I thought I would share all my knowledge on those topics and so much more.โ€‚Please know that you are not alone even though sometimes it seems like nobody gets you! I do!


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